Gathering my thoughts, and processing the experience that was the Trieste Joyce School 2018, which I participated in over the final week of June in the beautiful, kaleidescopic city of James Joyce’s exile, and Lucia Joyce’s birth, the first thing I want to do is to take some time to contemplate this incredible new phenomenon of Live Tweet responses to my hour-long presentation on Lucia Joyce, entitled “Lucia, Dancer – Method in her ‘Madness’?” on June 28th. Especially as I prepare a shortened version of the talk for National Library of Ireland on what would be Lucia Joyce’s 101st birthday, on July 26th, at 1pm (Free! All welcome!).
I really wanted to put my research to the test, by putting it out there, and sharing it with an audience of esteemed Joyceans in Trieste, so as you can imagine, I was intrigued, and delighted when I turned my phone back on in the evening after my talk to discover the following twitter-stream-of-consciousness responses from esteemed colleagues Dr. Katherine Ebury, Dr. James Alexander Fraser, and bright young Indian scholar Arunava Banerjee. Sincere thanks to them for filtering my talk through the kaleidescope of their minds, and for thoughtfully reflecting it back through their live twitter streams.
Just click on the images to enlarge and read these most esteemed reflections on my work in progress… :