It has been a busy two months. Journey to YU was broadcast on RTE Lyric FM on Friday November 6th – here is a link where you can listen back if you like: Journey to YU on RTE Lyric FM
The film version “Journey to YU (in the footsteps of Rebecca West)” featured at Guth Gafa International Documentary Festival in Kells,
County Meath, on Saturday, October 3rd, in the cute venue of Duke Brothers, downtown Kells.

Z;ata Filipovi, author of Zlata’s Diary in post-show discussion at Guth Gafa International Documentary Festival, Kells, County Meath

Myles Dungan of The History Show, RTE Radio One, hosts post-show discussion after Journey to YU screening at Guth Gafa Festival
The great Myles Dungan of RTE’s The History Show moderated an interesting post-show discussion with myself and Zlata Filipovic, author of Zlata’s Diary, and contributor to the documentary.

Journey to YU Post-Show Discussion moderated by Myles Dungan at Guth Gafa International Documentary Festival
It was an honour to be part of this inspiring gathering of documentary makers and showing of cutting edge international work, all thanks to the
Over in the academic world, I presented a paper at the inaugural International Yeats Society Conference at UL on Friday October 16th, entitled “The Dreaming of the Flesh”, mostly about my plans to return WB Yeats’s play The Dreaming of the Bones back to the geography in which he set it. I am keen to discover whether an academic paper can actually conjure a production into being so watch this space!

“The Dreaming of the Flesh” by Deirdre Mulrooney at the Inaugural International Yeats Society Conference, UL
Last week, on Wednesday November 11th, I had a chat about Ballet Ireland’s current revamped version of Coppelia (which I caught a run through of at Dance House), with Sean Rocks on RTE Arts Radio Show Arena, as well as the timely French Contemporary circus “L’Oubli(e)e” at the Abbey (given the invigorating #WakingtheFeminists controversy), and Junk Ensemble’s tour of “Dusk Ahead”. You can listen back here:
In the meantime I have been deep in research and development mode on a bunch of projects that I hope will come to fruition and see the light of day. Applications, applications, applications. And one deadline after another. Such is the life of a fully fledged member of the freelance precariat!
But – in other good news – I was thrilled to hear that my TG4 Splanc documentary Dance Emergency/ Damhsa na hEigeandala has been selected for the Lincoln Center NYC Dance on Camera Festival February 12 – 16, 2016. Woo hoo! I can’t wait for that, especially as I am an alumnus of the Lincoln Center Theater’s Director’s Lab. I always get a nice feeling of coming home when I am in that exciting hub of creativity, but this will bring it to a whole new level!
Also, my first ever interview, with the notorious Frederic Beigbeider, Founder of the Caca’s Club, in Paris Passion Magazine has been republished in a luxurious publication in Paris – here it is!

Le Caca’s Club – my first interview EVER, in Paris Passion Magazine republished, luxuriously, by Assouline Publishing.
What can I say but Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, and lots of love and solidarity to notre chers amis in Paris.