Deirdre’s Diary

2024 Travels to Rue des Irlandais, and Ticino, Switzerland

I've been lucky enough lately to enjoy an inspiring artist residency at Centre Culturel, Irlandais, on Paris' rue des Irlandais for the month of April; and a spookily magical week in the Ticino, following in the footsteps of 1940s Irish-German Modern Dance pioneer...

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Around Ulysses in 80 days, with #Ulysses80

Around Ulysses in 80 days, with #Ulysses80

As I write this reading Ulysses is still in progress, but we are in the final countdown to our destination - "yes I said yes i will Yes. Trieste-Zürich-Paris 1914 - 1921.  Just 30 pages to go, in four days! It has been great to realise my New Year's resolution, to...

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